We choose low temperature cooking....
We choose low temperature cooking in the preparation of food at aha organic and we stick to our choice because we strongly believe that this method is one of the best and healthiest way of cooking, just to mention a few......
1. To minimise the lost of nutrient in the process of cooking.
2. To maintain the low glycemic index of food. Glycemic index of food becomes higher when cooked under high temperature.
3. To enjoy the natural goodness of Olive oil or grapeseed oil (only added after cooking or in the preparation of salad dressing). High temperature cooking with oil like frying or deep-frying result in rapid oxidation and other chemical changes that take place which is dangerous to our health.
4. Our chefs and kitchen helpers are not exposed to the health hazard smoke from cooking.
High Temperature cooking not recommended because...........
When the food turns brown, they have been burned. The nutrients in the browned food has been destroyed. Protein turns into carcinogenic acrolein when browned. Starches and sugar are browned (caramelized) through molecular destruction. Fats and oils are turned to smoke by destruction of fatty acid and glycerol. Smoke damages health in many ways, and increases cancer incidence.